Embark on an interstellar journey as Jara Rydek and Carter Diaz, two dedicated crew members of the USS Resolute. Their mission? To foster peace among alien factions. But as they navigate the delicate intricacies of intergalactic diplomacy, they stumble upon a threat far beyond their wildest imaginations - an ancient, powerful force that could consume the entire galaxy. This thrilling narrative unfolds in the aftermath of the events depicted in Star Trek: The Next Generation. StarTrek: Resurgence breathes new life into a storyline from the inaugural season of The Next Generation series. With every decision you make, you shape the destiny of your adventure. Trek Central hailed it as “The Star Trek game we needed,” and Gaming Trend lauded it as “the best Star Trek game I’ve played in over a decade.”
Star Trek: Resurgence is the brainchild of Dramatic Labs, a fresh-faced studio formed by alumni of Telltale Games. This narrative-centric adventure game encapsulates all the awe and excitement synonymous with the Star Trek universe. With its immersive gameplay and riveting plot, Star Trek: Resurgence is an essential experience for any franchise fan.
As Jara Rydek and Carter Diaz, you’ll find yourselves in the roles of two Starfleet officers entangled in a mystery that, if left unsolved, could trigger a conflict that spans the galaxy. Your journey will take you to uncharted worlds, introduce you to unfamiliar alien species, and pit you against formidable threats.
Your choices carry weight. They mold the narrative, shaping the story to reflect the decisions you make. You’re not just playing a game - you’re authoring your own epic in the vast expanse of space.
Star Trek: Resurgence boasts appearances by iconic characters from the franchise. Ambassador Spock and Captain William T. Riker, brought to life by the voice acting of Jonathan Frakes, lend their presence to this grand space opera.
The game’s development was spearheaded by Dramatic Labs, a new player in the gaming industry composed of former members of the renowned Telltale Games. Their expertise and passion for storytelling shine through in every aspect of Star Trek: Resurgence, from its rich narrative to its engaging gameplay.
Key Features
Playable Characters Experience the game as Jara Rydek and Carter Diaz, two Starfleet officers embroiled in a galaxy-spanning mystery.
Exploration Discover new worlds, encounter diverse alien species, and confront formidable threats in your journey.
Choice-Driven Narrative Your decisions shape the narrative, making your gameplay experience uniquely yours.
Iconic Appearances The game features appearances by Ambassador Spock and Captain William T. Riker, voiced by Jonathan Frakes.