Ensure Your Connection - Rockay City is a vibrant echo of the 90s, a time capsule filled with familiar faces. The charismatic Travis Baker, portrayed by the talented Michael Madsen, leads a team of planners and handlers, each with their own unique skills and backgrounds. This team, featuring the likes of Michael Rooker, Kim Basinger, Danny Glover, and Damion Poitier, is a testament to the adage: it’s about who you know, rather than what you know. Keep Your Allies Near - Immerseyourself in the PVE co-op multiplayer mode, where you and up to three other players can plan and execute thrilling heists. The stakes are high: failure leaves you with nothing, but success brings rich rewards. Experience the adrenaline rush of pulling off a perfect heist, and the satisfaction of a job well done.
Keep Your Rivals Nearer - Step into the shoes of Baker as he strategically builds his empire. Using a combination of strategy, cunning, and firepower, Baker systematically takes territory from rival gangs. The turf war is a challenging one, with bosses like Dollar Dragon, Hielo, Cagnali, and Khan vying for control of the city. And let’s not forget Sheriff Norris, played by the legendary Chuck Norris, who is determined to stop Baker’s rise to power. Each 90s-style roguelike robbery is a gamble, with equal chances of reward and punishment.
Success is the Sweetest Revenge - The characters in Rockay City are far from nameless thugs; they are real people with real problems. Delve into the backstories of your crew members - Ropes, Jupiter, Runaway, and the rest of the gang - and discover how they ended up in Rockay City. Help them pull off various jobs to reclaim their status. Each character’s story comprises multiple missions of varying difficulty, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in their criminal lives. These missions also serve as a guide, helping you decide who to bring along on your next job.
Key Features
Immersive Gameplay Experience the thrill of pulling off heists and hits with up to four players in PVE co-op multiplayer mode. Success brings rich rewards, while failure leaves you empty-handed.
Strategic Empire Building Play as Baker, using strategy, cunning, and firepower to systematically steal territory from rival gangs and build your empire in the single-player campaign.
Engaging Character Stories These aren’t just nameless thugs – these are real people, with real big problems. Explore how your crew ended up in Rockay City and help them pull off different jobs to get back on top.
Vibrant Setting Rockay City doesn’t just look and feel like the 90s, you’ll find a few familiar faces there too. From the charismatic Travis Baker and his team to rival gang bosses and the righteous Sheriff Norris.