Halo Wars 2 Official E3 Trailer - In Halo Wars 2, the Spirit of Fire and her crew, led by Captain Cutter, face a deadly new faction known as The Banished. Their chief, the Brute warlord Atriox, is both a deadly warrior and brilliant military leader in control of a massive army. The key to victory is knowing your enemy, but Atriox is a threat no one is prepared for.
- Following the events of Halo 5, experience an all-new story across 13 action-packed campaign missions
- Build and command powerful armies of vehicles and troops in epic battles
- New Leaders with abilities that change the course of multiplayer battles, and new Units add to your arsenal of advanced weaponry
- Play the game with or against friends or matchmake on Xbox Live in a variety of multiplayer modes supporting up to 6 players
- Xbox One Console Exclusive